The latest SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner version 0.4.4 adds support for Ethash and Ubqhash crypto algorithms and you might want to give the miner ago for these two particular algorithms if you ave a Navi-based AMD GPU (Radeon RX 5500/5600/5700 series) due to optimized kernel from Wolf9466. For other AMD GPUs mining Ethash and Ubqhash might not be the fastest, though you can still give a go on your mining hardware. We prefer to stick mostly to CPU mining with SRBMiner-MULTI as it is one of the fastest options for a number of algorithms and coins such as Micro Bitcoin’s Power2b algorithm. The new version also adds some useful options for the newly added algorithms and comes with some fixes and improvements in general, you can see the full changelog below.
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.4.4 changelog:
– added ‘ethash’ algorithm
– added ‘ubqhash’ algorithm
– added parameter ‘--esm
‘ to set ethash/ubqhash stratum mode for pool (0 – eth-proxy, 1 – miner-proxy)
– added parameter ‘esm’ to pools config (ethash/ubqhash stratum mode for pool (0 – eth-proxy, 1 – miner-proxy))
– added parameter ‘--enable-ethash-leak-fix
‘ which tries to workaround AMD driver memory leak when recreating DAG.
– fixed algo switching and tweak_profiles miner freeze bug.
option can now be used with auto gpu setup in cmd.
SRBMiner-MULTI Miner is a closed source miner available for Linux and Windows, supporting CPU mining algorithms as well as some AMD GPU ones. The miner has a built-in developer fee of 2.50% for cryptonight_bbc and minotaur, 2.00% for bl2bsha3, no fee for blake2b and yespowerurx and 0.85% for all others that are supported.
– To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.4.4 Beta…
- Publihsed in: Mining Software
- Related tags: AMD miner, ARQ, ArQmA, bl2bsha3, Blake2b, Blake2b miner, Blake2s, Blake2s miner, cpu miner, CPU mining, cpupower, cpupower miner, cryptonight_bbc, cryptonight_catalans, cryptonight_talleo, defyx, doktor83, eaglesong, eaglesong miner, Ethash, gpu miner, Handshake, IOTScoin, IsotopeC, k12, Kadena, kangaroo12 miner, KDA, Keccak, keccak miner, Loki, m7mv2, m7mv2 algorithm, m7mv2 miner, Magi Coin, minotaur, monero, Monero RandomX, MoneroV, MTP, MTP miner, nervos-ckb, nervos-ckb miner, OpenCL miner, processor miner, rainforestv2, rainforestv2 miner, RandomARQ, RandomKEVA, RandomSFX, RandomV, RandomWOW, RandomX, RandomX CPU miner, RandomX miner, RandomX SRBminer, RandomX SRBminer-MULTI, RandomXL, SafexCash, SRBMiner, SRBMiner-MULTI, SRBMiner-MULTI CPU miner, SRBMiner-MULTI GPU miner, SRBMiner-MULTI miner, Tellor, Tellor mining, TRB, TRB mining, UBQhash, Wownero, XMG, xmr, XMR RandomX, Yescrypt, yescrypt miner, yescryptr16, yescryptr16 miner, yescryptr32, yescryptr32 miner, yescryptr8, yescryptr8 miner, yespower, yespower miner, yespower2b, yespower2b miner, yespoweric, yespoweriots, yespoweritc, yespowerlitb, yespowerlitb miner, yespowerltncg, yespowerltncg miner, yespowerr16, yespowerr16 miner, yespowerres, yespowersugar, yespowersugar miner, yespowerurx, yespowerurx miner
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