The latest SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner version 0.4.3 has added support for the Tellor (TRB) algorithm for GPU mining, though not all mining pols are apparently supported as the miner is compatible with trb.uupool.cn and other pools that use the same stratum implementation, but will not work on hashpool.com. Do note that Tellor (TRB) can also be mined using the latest NBMiner 29.0 that also supports Nvidia GPU mining. However GPU mining for this algorithm may already be not be profitable for GPUS having in mind that the Tellor algorithm has recently been made available for Blackminer FPGA miners. Below you can find the full changelog for the latest SRBMiner-MULTI and a download link.
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.4.3 changelog:
– Added ‘tellor’ algorithm (trb.uupool.cn compatible stratum)
– Improvements on ‘minotaur’ algorithm
– Guided setup fixed & simplified
– To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.4.3 Beta…
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