
TradingView – one of the most widely used charting platform by traders worldwide, not only crypto traders, has started charting the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19. As a response to the ongoing global health crisis affecting millions of people worldwide in over 150 countries the new COVID-19 charts add ways to show the extent of the emergency through data visualization. Drawing on real-time data collected by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University there is now a dashboard of lightweight charts, showing the number of infections, deaths and recoveries, broken down by country.

There are also a number of coronavirus tickers available now on TradingView, so you will now be able to add COVID-19 stats (both global and for a specific country) right on the platform and manipulate the data how you like. For example, you’ll be able to plot the rate of infection in America against the S&P 500 Index. You can find all the symbols related to the virus outbreak if you start typing COVID19: into the symbol search bar. These include the number of confirmed cases, people who have recovered and deaths for each country, plus the total number of all case types across the world. Regardless if you want it or not, global pandemics such as the current coronavirus COVID-19 cause panic in people and markets and traders do take up opportunities like these to make more money.
– To check out TradingView and start charting and trading on COVID-19 data and financial market data…
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- Publihsed in: Crypto News|General Info
- Related tags: Center for Systems Science and Engineering, coronavirus charts, coronavirus data, coronavirus real-time data, coronavirus tickers, coronavirus trading, COVID-19, COVID-19 charts, COVID-19 data, COVID-19 real-time data, COVID-19 tickers, COVID-19 trading, COVID19 ticker, CSSE, Johns Hopkins University, TradingView, TradingView coronavirus, TradingView COVID-19
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