
It has been a while since we have covered new Bminer releases, so we are going t mention that there is new Bmine 16.1.0 that comes with added support for BFC and Cuckatoo32, as well as fixes fidelity issues on Cuckaroo29m and improved stability of ETH mining. As for the reason we haven’t covered this particular miner, it is not because of lack of updates, it is because of a specific issue that is still not fixed under Windows. So half of the reason is because we want to mention how users that are having issues running Bminer on their Windows-based Nvidia GPU mining rigs can resolve it now and not have to wait for a new version that finally fixes this.
If you run Bminer and get an error saying “Failed to initialize the CUDA platform: CudaError: Could not initialize the NVML library” then there is nothing wrong with your mining hardware, the problem is in the Bminer. The reason is that newer Nvidia GPU drivers have moved the nvml.dll library that the miner uses into a new location and Bminer is looking for the NVML dynamic link library in a specific location, so even if you copy the DLL file in the same folder where the miner is it will still not work. If you are using newer Nvidia drivers you will have to copy the “nvml.dll” file from the “WindowsSystem32” folder to “Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationNVSMI” and have in mind that you need to create the NVSMI folder there as it will not exist and then copy the DLL. Running Bminer after copying the library (do not move the file, or other programs might stop working properly, just copy it!) to the specified folder should eliminate the error message and the miner should start normally again.
We remind you that that Bminer is a closed source Nvidia GPU miner available for Linux and Windows in the form of pre-compiled binaries and that there is a 2% development fee for Grin, Beam, Bytom (BTM), Equihash and Zhash coins, 0.65% for Ethash and 1.3% for dual mining Ethash and Blake.
– To download and try the latest release of the Bminer 16.1.0 Nvidia GPU miner…
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- Publihsed in: Mining Software
- Related tags: AMD beam miner, AMD support, Beam AMD, Beam miner, BFC, BitcoinZ, Bminer, Bminer BTM, Bminer Bytom, Bminer Nvidia GPU miner, Bminer Nvidia miner, BTM miner, BTM mining, BTM Nvidia miner, BTM-ETH dual mining, BTM-ETH miner, Bytom miner, Bytom mining, Bytom Nvidia miner, c29, C31, Cuckaroo29, Cuckaroo29 AMD, Cuckaroo29m, Cuckatoo31, Cuckatoo32, Cuckoo cycle, dual mining, equihash 144-5, Equihash 144-5 miner, Equihash 150-5 AMD, ETH miner, Grin, Grin miner, Grin Nvidia miner, Grin29, Grin31, SafeCoin, SnowGem, tensority, tensority algorithm, VBK, VBK dual mining, vBlake2, VeriBlock dual mining, ZelCash, Zhash, Zhash miner, Zhash support
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