A new version of the miniZ 1.5t Nvidia CUDA GPU miner for Equihash-based algorithms is available and it brings extra performance, improvements and better stability. The major performance improvements are for the Equihash 150,5 and 210,9 algorithms with up to 4% depending on algo and GPU used. Nvidia RTX 2070 gets up to 8% on Equihash 192,7 as well as 1660 Ti. There are also minor performance improvements in all other algorithms with up to 2% boost, depending on algo and GPU used. The new version also has better support for GTX 1660 Ti and GTX 1070, as well as some fixes such as lower CPU load when mining Beam on Windows and cleaner program exit/termination. The miniZ miner is still our preferred choice for ZEL mining, though here we are not seeing much of a performance gain over the previous version MiniZ 1.5s.
The MiniZ miner supports Equihash 144,5, Equihash 150,5, Equihash 150,5,3, as well as Equihash 192,7, Equihash 125,4, Equihash 210,9 and Equihash 96,5 and the various crypto currencies that use these algorithms on compatible Nvidia GPUs. There are CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 10.0 binaries available including support for Nvidia RTX GPUS with the CUDA 10 release (check which version works better on older GPUs, CUDA 10 is required fo RTX). Have in mind that since miniZ is a closed source miner there is also a built-in developer fee of 2% percent included.
– To download and try the latest miniZ v1.5t Multi-Equihash Nvidia CUDA Miner…>
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