The attack had a rather strange outcome, as the Hacken CEO stated that this “was not a typical hacking”, and he plans to discuss the project with the hackers.
Recently, the homepage of the First Grey Hat Hackers Ideas Competition website was hacked by malicious actors who left a message on their homepage announcing and promoting a new product that “will change the DeFi market”.
The First Grey Hat Hackers Ideas Competition is a project launched by Hacken community, a cyber-security consulting and But a group of hackers took over the website, leaving a message promoting a product that, according to the hackers, prevents money laundering in Decentralized Exchanges (DEX).
The hackers were following the competition since it was first launched on January 19, hosted by Leo Andrew. On January 28, the group was able to access the domain, and leave a message about their project on the First Hacken Grey Hat Hacker Ideas Competition website, in a bid to grab the full attention of the Hacken team.
HAPI: the First DeFi Project by Hackers
The team responsible for the hack was called HAPI, Grey Hat Hackers with a DeFi project built for Ethereum and Polkadot blockchains. Hacken CEO Dyma Budorin was able to have a brief conversation with the hackers and later revealed that the HAPI project has the potential to change the DeFi market, a disruptive new technology that relies heavily on cryptocurrency tokens for various purposes. The attack had a rather strange outcome, as the Hacken CEO, Dyma Budorin, stated that this “was not a typical hacking”, and he plans to discuss the project with the hackers.
Hacken CEO Dyma Budorin stated:
“We have helped our community restore the work of the site. That has not been a typical hacking. The hackers have decided to present themselves and apply for participation in the hackathon in such a way. We have contacted them to clarify the project’s details. Although we do not support hackings, the project in question devotes attention. We suggest that the project has the potential to have an impact on the further development of the DeFi market.”
Budorin also outlined that this was exactly the idea for Hackathon:
“Community Ideas Hackathon website was hacked by anon. From one side that’s mean to enter the house without knocking on the door. From the other side, that’s exactly what was asked for the Gray Hat Hackers Idea Hackathon. Having a chat in 1 hour with this Mister.”
According to Hacken, all user data was left undamaged, and the community from the First Gray Hat Hackers Ideas CompetitionCompatition will have until January 31 to send their applications. The technical staff of the Hacken team has contributed efforts to restore access to the site.
Currently, the site is operating in normal mode and the data of the users who have left applications has not been damaged. All applications sent will be viewed in a manner prescribed by the event’s procedure.

I’m a finance journalist and copywriter with a keen interest in the fintech field. I have keen on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency and I believe it can reshape the way we see money and financial freedom.
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